2009年10月28日 星期三

Judy Darragh ‘s exhibition at Two Rooms Gallery, Newton until 1, Aug. 2009.

Judy’s art practice has been distinctive as she consistently works on the margins, railing against conventions and expectations. From early works in the late 1980s made from op-shop materials and ready made material. She uses cheap material to DIY and remake into colorful objects with luxury visual effects. It’s quite different to the simplicity style with France’s although they both use non-valued material to make something from nothing. Judy reflects that “The maxim of the Bahaus, which I loved studying at school, was ‘less is more’, So when I started out I took the opposite approach of ‘more is more’ and embarked on making things with a passion, teaching at secondary school during the day, getting up at 5am on a Sunday to go to the markets and plugging in the glue gun at night.”

“Art news New Zealand, autumn 2009”

