2009年10月16日 星期五

Fran Allison, 16, Oct., 2009

Fran Allison-16, Oct., 2009/10/17

Collaboration and Collectives
Collaboration : Work jointly esp in a literary or artistic production. Oxford Englishi dictionary.
Collective: Collectives have become a main stream production.
1. Formed by or constituting a collection.
2. Taken as a whole; aggregate.
3. Of or from several individuals; common.
4. Any cooperative enterprise.

In the last 10 years , collaborative art practice has become a main stream production. It could exist whether in the music, drama, cooking, film making drawing, social activities………, it is happening all the time and growing extensively in the art world. Collaboration is largely extended as a kind of art form which artists can operate. The artists can get benefits from the relationship of collaboration to obtain more skills and inspire each other during the engagement. The effects will reflect on their art practices helping the artists to explore and develop new concept
and creation.
Fran introduced some her collective practices on her jewellery, objects making. The exhibition 'Random Findings’ in ‘Fingers’, 2004, her works is about a process of rediscovery. She chose to produce for the exhibition by working randomly. Through re-using and re-looking at exist-objects kept on boxes or shelves she collected. She seems having a lot of fun with a kind of liberation for the objects and material that excite her.
After finish random pieces, she felt want to make formal project with jewellery making. She started the project related to the weeds in 2005. ‘Weeds’ jewellery in terms of her experiments about the garden varieties, from house to garden with a kind of collaborative way. The weeds group, Fran Allison, Andrea Daly, Shelly Norton and Lisa Walker. She is inspired from the collaborative work and has a lot of fun during the experiments and exploration each other. Different member with different idea and tartget about their works. Like Andrea gets more serious about market, money…. She doesn’t matter so much about the successful or not. Some resolution within the discussion, it’s about something share and organize. She found it’s really good thing from collaboration and the dialogue is helpful.

Basically, art collectives come in various sizes and formats. The art collaboration exits in the life, not only in the gallery. Rirkrit Tiravanija, Untitled(FREE), 1992. – share the meal that he cooked. The participators talking and eating in the space-is an art work. He can set up the place but can not control the final work from collaboration. As Joseph Beuys’s famous phrase - ‘ Everyone is an artis’.

For my future practice, I would like to work collaboratively that would help me to explore further learning with others. Collaboration might extend and broaden my individual practice. If I continue the education next year, I wish to produce an animation using LEGO or Bear Brick figures or some other toys. I wish to invite some good guys to join the collaborative group.

http://www.collabarts.org/ entered 16, Oct., 2009
http://modernedition.com/art-articles/art-cllectives/art-collectives.html entered 16, Oct., 2009

1 則留言:

  1. You got a lot of points both from Fran's lecture and my follow up lecture. It will be interesting to hear what you think of collaboration after you have tried it next year! TX
