1)Bridge riley Chant 2 1967
2)Tokyo Ito Blurring Architecture 2001
Discuss the idea of containment in relation to Deborah Crowe’s work.
14, Aug, 2009
Deborh Crowe has always been fascinated by the construction and lines from the architecture. She talked about one of her fascinating building “Forth Railway Bridge”, North Queens Ferry, Scotland while her childhood. It interns of –how it constructed? How the intersection of lines form the sense of geometry?
The organized brainstorm self training with a scientific way is very helpful for her development and exploring into her art works. She thinks herself as a 'practitioner' rather than as an 'artist' to point to the range of practices she engages.One of her proposal for The Public Art Gallery, Dunedin-try to make moving image. What’s it looks like between night and day.”Shift 2000 all part of one world”, the viewers experiment the three dimension form and their shadow drawing. Shadow drawings create an environment which presents a series of contradictions. A spacious yet crowed environment where light woven form have a heaviness to them.She creates the space between the art works and viewers ,to regenerate the contradiction by the light and shadow from the inspiration of architectures, textiles.
She also works around the restrictions of the body and how the body can be contained in many different ways. A collaborative fashion work , “fashion for the future “. People must feel horrible to wear a cloth like a construction with heavy copper material. The containment with 3 D internal and external space. Her work is like and constructed building mounted on the body of model. A clothing on the body restricts the movement of the body. The containment of her using way with contradiction on the work. It makes me feel quite different visual view to her work. Not only the effect of visual and space about an art work. It’s related to the thinking about an installation work on the stage.
During the lecture, I am very interested to know the introduction about some artists inspiring to Debora’s work.
Researching and thinking in depth is very important to compact to the process of Deborah’s work. Overall her habit for the practice way to her work that I would follow the way into my work. The way to regenerate and develop a work is very scientific proven.
Bridget Riley’s work On Chant 2, 1967-No painter, dead or alive, has never made as more aware of our eyes than Bridget Riley.-said by Debora.
Toyo Ito-Blurring Architectur, 8/8 ~8/9, 2007 Sydney, Australia
“Since the mid 1970s, Toyo Ito has been one of the world's most innovative and influential architects, creating new concepts for life in modern cities, searching for an architecture appropriate to our electronic, image-oriented consumer society. Ito describes his latest project, the Mediatheque (media and culture centre) in Sendai, northern Japan, as the culmination of his quest to fuse the physical and virtual worlds. Its unusual function and radical steel-tube structural system have forged new approaches to spatial definition, building services, circulation and construction. Its floors hang on penetrating conduiting masts. Just opened, the Mediatheque is innovative at every level. The centre piece of Blurring Architecture will be a spectacular four channel data projection, where building plans and schematics for the Mediatheque are overlaid and animated, with a soundtrack by electronic composer Ryoji Ikeda.” (From http://www.artspace.org.nz/exhibition%20/2001/blurringarchitecture.asp)
Naham Tevet-Seven walks, Dundee 2004
Julius Shulman (October 10, 1910 – July 15, 2009) was an American architectural photographer best known for his photograph "Case Study House #22[1], Los Angeles, 1960. Pierre Koenig, Architect." The house is also known as The Stahl House. Shulman's photography spread California modernism around the world. Through his many books, exhibits and personal appearances his work ushered in a new appreciation for the movement beginning in the 1990s. His vast library of images currently reside at the Getty Center in Los Angeles. His contemporaries include Ezra Stoller and Hedrich Blessing. In 1947, Julius Shulman asked architect Raphael Soriano to build a mid-century steel home and studio in the Hollywood Hills.[2]Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman
Researching and thinking in depth is very important to compact to the process of Deborah’s work. Overall her habit for the practice way to her work that I would follow the way into my work. The way to regenerate and develop a work is very scientific proven.